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Archive for the tag “sleeping”

Getting Up Isn’t The Problem, It’s Staying Awake

OMG, an alarm clock grew on my nightstand overnight!


Ever since I have started working an adult, 40-hr a week, benefits included, job, I had always done the typical 8 hr day. Recently, I was given the option to do the 10hr days, 4 days a week schedule for the next two months. I could take Friday off and have a three day weekend EVERY WEEK. This was mind blowing to me. My husband, who used to have a 4×10 work week several years ago was practically seething with jealousy. I thought it can’t be that bad. Of course, I’d be at work for 11hrs (1 hr for lunch). I’d also have to get up at 5am, the earliest I’ve ever gotten up for anything. But that Friday would be worth it, right? RIGHT?!

While I am NOT a morning person, I’d rather get up earlier than stay later. Getting up 5am hasn’t been the problem. The problem has been being at work.

  1. Getting up at 5am throws off your entire meal plan. When you get up so early, the idea of waiting till noon for lunch is effing ridiculous. On top of that, you are at work all day so you have to bring even more food so you don’t die of starvation. Dinner ends up being around 5 or 6 so you don’t end up going to bed on a full stomach which makes it hard to fall asleep when you want to puke.
  2. Getting up early means going to bed early…something I am particularly bad at. While I can get up no problem, I always have problems going to bed. My mom is an insomniac, so maybe staying awake all the time is in my blood. In theory, to get 8hrs of sleep (HA, who does that?!) I’d have to be in bed at 9. I get home at 7, so I have 2 hrs to do whatever and then hop into bed like a grandma. Unfortunately this hasn’t been happening and I spend my days with exhaustion headaches and general crankyness.
  3.  Coffee is a drug. As any coffee addict will tell you, there is a point where you become slightly immune to caffeine. If I drink anymore than my usual giant travel mug in the morning, I end up too jittery and wired to go to bed, which makes me need more coffee the next day. Also…that crash. I cannot go through that multiple times a day.
  4.  Weekends give you a false sense of security. By Thursday, I’m thinking “OMG I CAN STAY UP PAST 9PM!! I can eat dinner at a normal time!!” which is exactly what happens until you realize past midnight for a regular person isn’t late but for you, its been 20hrs+ of consciousness. Congrats, you are going to pay for it the next day with a sleep hangover.

I’ve only had this schedule for two weeks, and I’m still trying to give myself time to adjust. HOWEVER, I will say it is worth it to get up in the middle of the day Friday to watch Maury while everyone is at work.

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