My Daily Disgust

Except..not daily.

Rules to Twerk By.

Don’t Twerk While Stupid. (Thanks Buzzfeed)

I am going to sound like a horribly old fart, but I am OVER this twerking thing.

#1. Twerking isn’t new, it was just called freakin’ or grinding back in the day. Your parents did it before you.
#2. Don’t think that just because you can semi-shake up and down suddenly means you can dance.

And then I saw that gif above and I thought this girl has made several STUPID mistakes. There should be a list of rules for twerking. So I made some. You’re welcome.

  1. Don’t twerk on a door or any opening, you idiot. That includes trapdoors and windows. I’m waiting any day now for someone who twerked themselves out a window.
  2. Don’t twerk near open flame.
  3. Don’t twerk when kids are present. They don’t need to see you making a fool of yourself.
  4. Don’t twerk if you can’t even do a proper squat. Remember, knees behind your toes!!
  5. Don’t twerk upside down if you can barely dance right side up.
  6. Don’t twerk if you don’t have rhythm or can’t find the beat. “Dancing to the beat of your own drum” makes your ass look like it’s having a seizure.
  7. Leave twerking to the professionals, ie people with years of experience like strippers and video vixens.

Update: Apparently, this entire thing was a hoax staged by the venerable Jimmy Kimmel. Well played, sir, well played.

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